Professional Experience

  • IBM Research June 2015 - August 2015

    Research Intern

    Mentors: Dr. Ernesto Diaz-Aviles and Dr. Francesco Calabrese

    Extended Spark Machine Learning Library by implementing optimization algorithms such as AdaGrad. Additionally, worked on connecting user actions across different devices they own using the ICDM 2015 Kaggle Challenge dataset. Currently, working on predicting the next action of a user on a mobile device using the Device Analyzer Dataset by University of Cambridge.

  • Innovation Labs, TCS Research July 2012 - July 2013


    Mentors: Dr. Gautam Shroff and Mr. Puneet Aggarwal

    Developed a Collaborative Workbench for real time analysis and visualization using d3 library of various types of data such as car sensor data.

  • ABB Research May 2011 - July 2011

    Undergraduate Research Intern

    Mentors: Dr. Atul Kumar

    Developed an android based mobile application that enabled a user to build work-flows and define a process using symbols customized for each domain.

Teaching Experience

  • University of Notre Dame August 2013–May 2014

    Graduate Teaching Assistant

    Worked as a Teaching Assistant for Design and Analysis of Algorithms (CSE 40113) and Basic Unix for Engineers (CSE 20189). Duties included conducting tutorials and office hours and grading examinations and home assignments.

  • IIIT-Delhi January 2011–May 2011

    Undergraduate Teaching Assistant

    Worked as a Teaching Assistant for Theory of Computation (CSE322). Duties included conducting tutorials and office hours and grading examinations and home assignments.

Technical Skills

  • Programming Languages

    Python, C, C++, C#, Java, R, MATLAB, PHP, JavaScript, SQL

  • Tools

    Spark, Hadoop, Condor, Latex, Weka, Android SDK, Twitter API